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Rasha Abed
Rasha Abed

Rasha Abed, a seasoned professional with a strong background in business development and strategic partnerships, serves as the Director of Business Development for LahabStat. With a rich history in forging impactful partnerships and a deep understanding of international accreditation processes, Rasha brings a unique blend of expertise and leadership to the team. 

In her role, Rasha focuses on identifying and pursuing accreditations and certifications that further solidify LahabStat's standing as a reputable educational platform. She works tirelessly to ensure compliance with rigorous standards and fosters communication with accreditation bodies. 

Rasha's innate ability to identify synergistic partnership opportunities has led to many successful collaborations with universities and schools that align with LahabStat's mission and values. She is dedicated to nurturing these relationships and continuously seeks new opportunities to expand the platform's reach. 

Rasha is an avid learner, always staying current with industry trends, best practices, and emerging opportunities in the fields of accreditation, certification, businesses, and educational partnerships. This proactive approach allows her to bring fresh insights and innovative strategies to the table, enhancing LahabStat's credibility and recognition. 

We are appreciated to have Rasha as a key member of our team, driving our mission of providing unparalleled educational experiences to our users.